If you are looking for pubs in Gosport with meat raffles? Be in it to win it at The Green Dragon !
Get your tickets throughout the week to be in for a chance of winning then have them to hand for the draw at 4pm.
Pubs In Gosport With Meat Raffles – Be In It To Win It At The Green Dragon !
Euros kick off this week on Friday so be sure to head on down to watch all of the action, they will be offering blind envelopes sweepstake for the euros £5 per envelope.
To Make Contact:
About The Green Dragon Gosport
The Green Dragon, Gosport shows both Sky Sports & BT Sports as well as Prime and has a reputation for being a real family pub at the cornerstone of the community supporting local charities.
With a permanent Ale on tap, a good range of gin flavours, doubling up on selected spirts for just an extra £1.25!
The Green Dragon, Gosport is a real Love Your Local venue perfect for all the family. On Mondays, join in with the Mens Dart league thats held in the evenings, On Tuesdays they have recently introduced the ladies Dart league, FREE pool and jukebox every Wednesday, pool league on Thursdays and meat raffle on Sundays at 4pm, there is always a reason to visit!
Keep your eyes on socials too for their new monthly quiz nights.
If you are looking for somewhere to host any upcoming events, this is your place. You can hire the lounge bar for FREE! Contact them for more information on how they can help make your celebrations one to remember.
The landlady is keen to feature karaoke & seasonal activity from local bands so get in touch if you’re keen on being the next act to play The Green Dragon, Gosport.
They also have a screen in the bar ready to advertise your business, so if this would be of interest contact them for more info.
To View The Green Dragon Full Profile Please click here