Golden Ball, Oxford

About this venue

Oxford OX1 4RA

Littlemore is a well-populated suburb on the edge of Oxford around 2 miles from the city centre.  The area benefits from excellent transport links into the city and has good access to the A34 which links the M40 with the M4. The Golden Ball is perfectly located with little competition and is in great condition, both internally and externally, having just had a complete refurbishment where the second previously unused bar now has a relaxed, cosy “snug” feel for a quieter drink. New handpulls were installed in this bar so the pub can now sell both national and local cask ales.

Pub Layout

The main bar is well set up for mid- week teams and weekend groups wanting to play both darts and pool and with large TV screens is the ideal place to watch sport. The pub host regular live and recorded music events with a great atmosphere to let your hair down. The newly refurbished Lounge bar will be a great space to sit and enjoy a quieter pint or glass of wine with friends or family. Externally the trade garden is fully fenced so ideal for families and perfectly lends itself to family-led activities, fun days, BBQs, and beer festivals. As with most pubs in Oxfordshire there is an aunt sally throw which is well supported over the summer evenings.

Venue location

Oxford OX1 4RA

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Portman Finance Group includes Portman Asset Finance Limited (Reg No: 06226530) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for its credit broking activities and deals with a panel of lenders (FRN: 719988), Portman Leasing Limited (Reg No: 06797365) authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct for Consumer Hire lending (FRN: 723730) and Portman Commercial Finance Limited (Reg
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