The Black Bull, Blaydon On Tyne

About this venue

Blaydon-on-Tyne NE21 4JJ, UK

The pub is located in Blaydon which is a highly populated suburb of Newcastle Upon Tyne. It sits on the busy B6317 just off the main Blaydon roundabout near to both Blaydon railway station and the main retail area. The site is an imposing detached building set back from the main road with parking to the front. The B6317 carries traffic to Crawrcrook and Ryton and as such the route is very busy, traffic footfall is sizeable, and the pub is highly visible. Local consumers are largely families and the prominent demographic group age range is actually quite young. There is also several retired people who have lived in the area for some considerable time. The pub has the benefit of being in easy walking distance from large numbers of mixed housing largely terraced in building style. The nearby railway station means that regular customers will come from further afield to take to the walk along the River Tyne which flows to the rear of the pub.

Pub Layout

The pub is split into two main trading areas. The aspect is traditional in nature with a classic dark wood finishing really giving a feel of authenticity and that of an old school “proper pub”. The main bar has a real open fire and a mixture of fixed benched and loose low level seating and will seat 30 people. The function room is mainly used as an entertainment venue with the pub having a vibrant live music programme as the Black Bull is well established on the north east’s live music scene. To the rear is an excellent beer garden with benched seating that has stunning views overlooking the River Tyne.

Venue location

Blaydon-on-Tyne NE21 4JJ, UK

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Portman Finance Group includes Portman Asset Finance Limited (Reg No: 06226530) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for its credit broking activities and deals with a panel of lenders (FRN: 719988), Portman Leasing Limited (Reg No: 06797365) authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct for Consumer Hire lending (FRN: 723730) and Portman Commercial Finance Limited (Reg
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The Mortgage Hut Limited is an appointed representative of Mortgage Advice Bureau Limited and Mortgage Advice Bureau (Derby) Limited which are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Mortgage Hut Limited. Registered Office: Ground Floor, Threefield House, Threefield Lane, Southampton, Hampshire, SO14 3LP Registered in England Number: 07629941

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