If you’re looking for pubs showing The Six Nations in Portsmouth, head to The Kings Albert Road ! They will be showing all the games starting this Friday 2nd February where France take on Ireland at 8pm ! The action will then continue on Saturday 3rd with Italy v England at 2.15pm and Wales v Scotland at 4.45pm! Make sure you head down with friends and watch with your favourite drinks in hand!
Pubs Showing The Six Nations In Portsmouth – Head To The Kings Albert Road
Our friends also host a variety of live music nights and weekly quizzes.
Keep an eye on their social media here for more updates
023 9282 0557
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Pubs Showing The Six Nations In Portsmouth
One of the stand out pubs on Albert Road formerly a hotel with of course their fantastic function room.
Opened in 1910, replacing the Clarence Tavern that previously stood on the site, this imposing red brick building stands opposite the theatre of the same name on busy Albert Road.
No longer a hotel, The Kings now consists of a single, split-level bar room, with an ornately-carved counter running along the left-hand wall.
Keep up to date with all their events here
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