If you’re looking for pubs with private hire in Portsmouth, make sure you party at The Kings Pub Albert Road ! They have the perfect space to host your celebrations and events and, located not far from the train station, it’s an ideal venue for those guests travelling further afar. Contact our friends today to find out more!
All your favourite drinks . . .
Pubs With Private Hire In Portsmouth – Party At The Kings Pub Albert Road
Our friends at The Kings have listened and know you love their love karaoke nights and are now bringing the fun every Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Head on down this weekend and get involved with a song or two!
023 9282 0557
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About The Kings Pub
One of the stand out pubs on Albert Road formerly a hotel with of course their fantastic function room.
Opened in 1910, replacing the Clarence Tavern that previously stood on the site, this imposing red brick building stands opposite the theatre of the same name on busy Albert Road.
No longer a hotel, The Kings now consists of a single, split-level bar room, with an ornately-carved counter running along the left-hand wall.
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Traditional tables and chairs are complimented by a pair of leather armchairs arranged around an original fireplace.
Framed photographs of bygone Southsea adorn the walls and there is a small collection of sporting trophies displayed on the bar-back.
An unusual feature is the large, attractive, stained-glass recessed ceiling light that can be seen in the centre of the bar room.
Hire their spacious room . . .
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